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1999 Weekly Recipes.

There will be a new recipe here each week. Enjoy!

***Recipe of the Week 1999.***

January 1999

Warming food for the cold month after Christmas. Starting with a old recipe which goes back at least four generations in my family.

February 1999

It is still cold enough to stick to warming food. We had a quick trip to the US with the Jambalaya last month, this month we will go to Europe for our recipes.

March 1999

After our quick trip round some of the countries of Europe I thought we stay in England for March. Approaching spring there is no better place to be.

April 1999

One of my favourite cuisines has to be Indian. From my first attempts at going for a curry when a seventeen year old to attempting to cook my own it has been a wonderful food adventure. The recipes this month come from the first Two Portly Gentlemen Feature available soon at this site.

May 1999

Matthew (the other Portly Gentleman) takes over providing recipes for this month. I hope you enjoy them as much as I have.

June 1999

June is in and midsummer approaches so time for some al fresco cooking outside on the barbecue. The recipes here and others will form the second Two Portly Gentlemen cooking feature. Here's to the lazy days of summer relaxing with good food (and drink) in the garden.

July 1999

July and the lazy days of summer continue. We are back to providing a mix of recipes with no particular theme. Matthew and I will just put up what comes to hand. We are also happy to take requests, so if you have a recipe you would like to see drop us a line and we well see what we can find.

August 1999

Holidays are great things. The trouble is I have not had time to keep up with the recipes. Apologies for that. At the end of the month we have the Garlic Festival so a couple of my favourite recipes involving that wonderful ingredient will appear.

September 1999

I was lucky enough to go on a trip to Vienna last month and so a couple of ideas/recipes picked up there will appear this month. I am also sorry to learn of the death of Jennifer Patterson, one of our inspiration The Two Fat Ladies. She will remembered fondly by Matthew and I for wonderful statements like "To finish off the bubble and squeak sprinkle the lard on top" and "Cook for about 20 minutes for rare. If you don't like beef rare don't bother cooking it." They may not be exact quotes but you get the idea. She had a great joie de vivre and will be a great loss.

October 1999

Every so often as a Portly Gentleman I attempt to be less portly. The favourite set of "healthy" recipes I have come across were from a diet I tried from Boots. I have lost the booklet now so the recipes that appear this month are adaptations from what I remember. They are probably not that healthy in the form they appear here, but they are very tasty! The brown rice recipe is a really sinful one. There was a vegetable soup diet that did the rounds last year and the last day involved brown rice. As I am not a fan of brown rice and it was the last meal of the weeks diet I broke the diet in style.

November 1999

A bit of a mix this month. The first recipe is for American pancakes as cooked by a friend, and as various members of my family have gone into Christmas production I will try to get a Christmas cake and Christmas pudding recipe out of them.

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Last updated by : Andy Jackson on 08/12/13
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